Bible Study Tools: Part 9
Building a library of helpful Bible study resources can cost a lot of money, and most of us have a limited budget. The good news is that there are many Bible commentaries for sale for ten dollars or less. The bad news is that most of these books offer little or no help. And some will even lead you astray.
There is, however, some wheat mingled with the chaff. Below is a list of commentaries that are both helpful and biblically sound. And (as of April, 2017), all are available online for less than ten dollars (new and used), and some sell for as little as a dollar.
Some names will appear again and again. The Tyndale series, for example, shows up in dozens of places, as does the Bible Speaks Today. Most of the volumes in these series are introductory and focus on explanation and application. A few of the recommendations are expensive commentaries that I found online recently for ten dollars or less (for example, Ben Witherington’s, 1 & 2 Thessalonians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary). These deals come and go, so get in the habit of visiting used book stores, garage sales, and your favorite online shopping places. You may be amazed at the bargains out there.