Old Testament commentaries: the best of the best

Bible study tools part 5

Bible study tools: Part 5

My recommendations for commentaries are separated into 3 groups:

  • Introductory–the primary focus is application of the Word and growing in Christ. Lots of “how to” questions are answered.
  • Intermediate–these commentaries also contain application but are more information oriented. Some go deep into the history or cultural background of the text, while others pay more attention to linguistics. Lots of “what does it mean” questions are answered. Useful for any Christ follower and especially helpful to those who teach.
  • Technical–primary value is to teachers and advanced students. Some focus on the reliability of the text (textual criticism), while others examine the text itself (linguistics). Lots of minutiae. These commentaries contain ancient Hebrew text and require at least some familiarity with the language to extract their full benefit, but even those with no knowledge of the Hebrew language will find valuable insights.


Introductory: J. Walton, NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC), Zondervan. Or get R. Kent Hughes, Genesis: Beginning and Blessing, Crossway.

New Testament Commentaries– The Best of the Best

Bible Study Tools Part 4

Bible Study Tools: Part 4

Our English Bible is a translation of sixty-six books that were written millennia ago in cultures that are foreign to us, so it’s not surprising that Bible students seek resources to help them better understand God’s Word. But putting together a library of biblical resources is not something to attempt haphazardly. I learned the hard way that it’s easy to spend lots of money on books that will eventually need to be replaced or supplemented. In part 3 of our look at Bible study tools, we surveyed the best commentary sets. To learn why it is better to bypass commentary sets and buy individual commentaries, read Commentaries–the most versatile tool in the box.

In the coming weeks we will explore the best options for individual commentaries. Today we’ll look at a list of conveniently sorted commentaries for each book in the New Testament, and next week we will do the same in the Old Testament. I recommend putting together your library slowly. Buy commentaries as you study a particular book; so when you or your study group or your church is going through Matthew, research and purchase a commentary or two on that Gospel.

Commentaries– The Most Versatile Tool in the Box

Bible study tools part 3

Bible Study Tools: Part 3

Thousands of commentaries have been written about the Bible, and it’s easy to become confused because these resources are written to various audiences. Choosing the “best” will depend upon the kind of analysis you desire. Commentaries are often divided into three categories:

  • Devotional–target audience is everyday Christians; most devotional commentaries are introductory level and designed to help readers better understand God’s Word and how to apply it.

  • Pastoral–target audience is pastors, teachers and students; most are intermediate level and designed to help teachers better understand and communicate Bible truths.

  • Technical–target audience is pastors, teachers, and students; advanced level with various sub-categories (e.g., textual criticism); some require a basic knowledge of Hebrew and/or Koine Greek.

Most commentaries fall into one of these three categories. A second distinction is depth. Some commentaries cover the entire Bible in one volume, while others devote four volumes to analyzing one book of the Bible.

Study Bibles– The Most Convenient Tool in the Box

Bible Study Tools Part 2

Bible Study Tools: Part 2

Study Bibles provide a wealth of essential information in a portable package and are often a new Christian’s first investment. There are numerous options and picking the “best” study Bible can be challenging. Many are addressed to specific audiences (women, men, teens, recovery, charismatic, etc.), so what is best for you at one stage of your journey may not be a good fit in another season of life.

Some study Bibles are attached to only one version. Some are theologically narrow (e.g., Reformation Study Bible), while others are more comprehensive and offer various positions on controversial passages (e.g., ESV Study Bible). The way to find the right one is to compare them and ask yourself what you are looking for in a study Bible.

Two of the best study Bibles for new believers are the Life Application Bible (available with KJV, NKJV, NIV, NLT, NASB, NRSV) and the Gospel Transformation Bible (ESV only). Neither spends a lot of time on history, culture, or etymology. The emphasis is on living out the Christian faith in our day-to-day lives. Both answer the question, “How does this passage apply to me?” Readers who are familiar with the fundamentals of Christianity may find some of the entries too basic, but they are good reminders of our identity in Christ. I recommend application-oriented study Bibles to both new and seasoned believers.