The necessity of the new birth


In C.S. Lewis’s book, The Lion The Witch, And The Wardrobe, we are introduced to a magical land filled with talking animals and mythological creatures. Four children enter Narnia at a time when it is under the curse of an evil queen whose touch can turn people to stone. A series of adventures removes the curse from the land and liberates those who had been turned into statues. They are set free when Aslan the lion breathes on the stone people, and they miraculously come to life.

How God changes lives, Part 2: We die to sin—sin does not die to us

When we become followers of Christ, God’s identification with us is so complete that we die (are separated) from sin because Jesus is separated from sin. Nevertheless, all Christians sin. How can one be dead to sin and still sin? God’s answer to that question in the sixth chapter of Romans may surprise you.

When it’s time for a change…


Think back to the last big decision you had to make. Perhaps you have recently been engaged or married or divorced. Maybe you weathered a financial crisis or made a career change or had to redefine a relationship with a loved one. Do you remember how you felt while you were deciding what to do? For most of us, decision time is uncomfortable because we know that regardless of the choice we make, there will be consequences.

Apprenticed to Jesus: Welcome to

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.  2 Peter 1:3-4 (NIV)

After a lifetime of following Jesus, the apostle Peter reflected on how God takes care of His people. He declared that Christ has given us everything we need. Then he said the abundant life is experienced by living in God’s promises. But what does it mean to live in God’s promises?